Berlin-based DJ and producer Soela is profiled in the latest issue of 5 Mag. In addition, she provided this vinyl-only set for our latest 5 Mag Mix.

Here’s how Soela described this mix for 5 Mag‘s Lauren Krieger:

“It’s a vinyl-only mix including plenty of tracks that I love. There’re some vinyl-only releases, for example, a track produced by Sonnen Blumen Kerne, my fellows from Russia, and some promos. Some time ago Alland Byallo gave me some releases of his label and I played one of those records.

“The first track is a classic tune made by Jan Jelinek. He’s one of my favorite producers and I was so happy when I bought his album Loop-Finding-Jazz-Records. I was dreaming to have this record because this music is so pure, airy and reflective… I love it so much.

“There’re tracks from Fred P (I’m a big fan of him), Oleg Poliakov – a guy from France, who’s making music under a moniker that sounds like a typical Russian name – pure and beautiful track by Oshana from Dana Ruh’s label Brouqade and my new treasure – Max Telaer’s track released on Inhale Exhale.

“The last track is a promo record from Max (m50)‘s label Kimochi. I’m in love with this record as well.”

And here it is. As usual you can find this mix (and a few hundred others) on SoundCloud, Mixcloud, and Apple Podcasts.

Listen: Soela – A 5 Mag Mix #89

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A New State: Originally published in 5 Mag issue 177 featuring electronic music godfathers 808 State, Soela, thatmanmonkz & more. Help support 5 Mag by becoming a member for just $1 per issue.