Welcome to the third installment of Four Play Sessions, a monthly mix series from Chicago’s Four Play Music and featuring the talents of Mr. Andrew Emil & Friends, exclusively for 5 Magazine.
Four Play has long been one of Chicago’s most steadfast Deep House labels, and has returned to form with their latest release, Caught The Feeling featuring remixes from Glenn Underground, Gene Hunt, Nick Santillan and Gene Farris (out on vinyl from Groove Distribution, and now available digitally from beatport).
We’re also pleased to announce Four Play’s forthcoming release, Home & Garden’s Mz. Jezebel EP coming in September.
This set is mixed by Chicago vocalist, DJ and producer J-Dub (DFA, Greenskeepers); you can check out an interview we did with J-Dub back in November 2010 here.
You can contact Andrew and Four Play via:
andrewemil.com | soundcloud | facebook
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