“I guess kids and people in general need love and happiness, so they try our party and go home with a smile and a feelgood vibe.” That’s from Severino, one of four resident DJs from the UK’s Horse Meat Disco party. The boys will be playing this Saturday June 25 with Pittsburgh’s Honcho party residents as part of Smartbar’s Pride weekend.

“That’s been the motto of Horse Meat Disco,” Severino adds, which like Smartbar’s Queen fete, is a weekly Sunday thing they have at Vauxhall’s Eagle London.

Born in 2003, the party is made up of Duke Howard, Jim Stanton, James Hillard and Severino. With the brand in so much demand, they often split into pairs when gigging around the world but someone always makes it back home to man the helm.

HMD first came to my attention when they collaborated with the ultimate Disco don himself Joey Negro to remix T.S. Monk’s “Candidate For Love.” They’ve also put together well thought out disco compilations on Strut, having hammered out volume 4 as of last year.

And everyone is welcome. “Our night is still a gay party,” Severino says, “but lots of straight kids are coming.”


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