Meet the man behind probably the greatest underground House Music label going in 2015.

My Love Is Underground boasts a roster of like-minded producers ranging from Brawther to SE62, and a reputation of releasing nothing but absolute quality vibes on black wax (exclusively so). If the sounds of Jersey and New York Deep House are “back” at the forefront of public consciousness, it’s due in part to the underground archeology of Jeremy and MLIU.

Start with the The Resurrxion E.P. from The Nathaniel X Project in 2010 and work your way forward through the Paris Underground Trax, SE62’s cheeky response in the Kiev Underground Trax, two brilliant cuts from Kool Vibe and culminating with Brawther’s The Fuck Off Track – just fifteen records over five years, innovative in what they’ve left out (the forgettable bongo soul of the bleak ’00s in dance music) as much as what they’ve put in.

Jeremy Underground will be playing on a Sunday night in Chicago at SmartBar’s Queen! with the full resident roster (Derrick Carter, Michael Serafini and Garrett David).




3730 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL
Open: 10pm-late

$7 all night at the door

