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Music software reviews for DJing, production and creating electronic music.

Waldorf turns their Microwave synth into a plug-in

Waldorf takes the Microwave into the DAW

Waldorf steps up with their own deluxe "bit-by-bit" plugin emulation of the famed Microwave synth, the first unit created by German manufacturer.
ZAK Sound's Skyridge Plugin

Generating dreamy delta waves with ZAK Sound’s Skyridge plugin

Ed Martinez generates gorgeous, sculptured atmospheres with vocal samples with ZAK Sound's latest plugin.

Syncussion Mania: For the Love of Synth Drums

A brief history of the once-unloved Syncussion, a drum synth designed for actual drummers that became a mainstay of modern electronic music production.
AI Mastering

AI Comes for Music Mastering

Cheap AI mastering by music distributors is pricing out a modest but important side hustle in the music industry.
Tundra VST plugin from SoundGhost

Carving icy soundscapes with Tundra

Ed Martinez on another niche plug-in from SoundGhost that manipulates richly textured and frozen sounds within your DAW.
Toneworks Catalyst software

Breaking out of the box with Catalyst

Toneworks' combo sequencer, arpeggiator & harmonizer inspires creativity for music production.
DRUMLESS from AudioSourceRe

DRUMLESS drags AI extraction into the DAW

The DRUMLESS plugin from AudioSourceRe takes audio separation for music producers out of the cloud and onto your desktop.
Luna DAW from Universal Audio is now free

Make Music 2024: LUNA DAW is now free

Universal Audio has made a fully featured version of LUNA, their proprietary daw, free for all Mac users with very few strings attached.
Sononym screenshot

Sononym makes sample sorting simple

For $99 this product will sort out your life and your ugly sample collection.

Hot to tape: Lo-Fi tape effects with Drift

How many lo-fi effects does a producer need? Drift might be the last one you ever need.
Spotify DJ

Spotify DJ is going global because the term “DJ” has lost all meaning & nobody cares...

In Spotify's bleak vision of the future, AI will replace DJs and whisper lovingly in your ear. It will also take requests.
Dropbox storage limit

Dropbox puts a hard limit on “unlimited” storage

DJs and producers and others pooling storage were violating TOS all along.
Velvet Machine audio plugin imagevideo

Velvet Machine is a little plugin that makes a big sonic blur

Velvet Machine is simple but not ordinary. It is one of several plugins designed by Yuri Turov which manipulates a sound by stretching and blurring it, somewhat similar to continuous reverb.
Zeeon Synth

iOS synth Zeeon sparkles on the Mac too

The best kept secret of the iOS platform, Zeeon from BeepStreet runs like a charm on Mac and macOS too.
Audulus screenshot

Plunging into the nerdy world of the Audulus synthesizer environment

Audulus is a very flexible synthesizer programming environment. It’s a toolbox for creating your own synthesizers, sound effects, filters - anything that has to do with creation or manipulation of sound
Other Desert Cities audio damage plugin vst

Other Desert Cities is the wildest reverb machine on Earth

Even with the most basic, out-of-the-box settings, I’ve never heard anything as odd and freaky from a reverb plugin as what I made from passing simple chords through the reverbic chaos of Other Desert Cities.

Making interstellar ambient loops with SpaceFields

5 Mag reviews SpaceFields, a fascinating and useful app for making pulsating, rhythmic sound structures in deep reverb space.