DJ and producer Jesse Rose made a dramatic post on Facebook today stating his intention to retire following the forthcoming release of his next – and apparently final – album.

“After a serious amount of thought I’ve decided to make my next album ‘Alright Mate’ coming out in February my last production,” he state. “I’ll then do a final DJ tour and say goodbye to what has been the most amazing twenty years of my life.”

While a number of DJs (those that could afford to anyway – many can’t) have retired from the grind of touring, few have decided to formally retire from making music altogether. There are no further indications of what Rose intends to do, but says that “there comes a time when your body doesn’t enjoy it as much as your mind.” And apparently he’s reached this point. The full statement is below.

After a serious amount of thought I’ve decided to make my next album “Alright Mate” coming out in February my last production, i’ll then do a final DJ tour and say goodbye to what has been the most amazing twenty years of my life.

I can honestly say I feel blessed to have been a part of this scene. I will always love DJing and making music but there comes a time when your body doesn’t enjoy it as much as your mind. I have the biggest love for the fans of house music, my labels and the people that dig what we’ve done. I can only say thank so much to everyone that has supported me over these magical two decades.

As hard as it is to say goodbye, I’m really excited to release this album and then get to meet up with a massive bunch of my friends, collaborators and heroes on the final tour. I hope to be as supportive to the next generation as mine was to me. Finally I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on this final journey.

Photo via Jesse Rose on Facebook


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