Welcome to the new issue of 5 Mag, and thank you to the support of 5 Mag’s members for allowing us to bring it to you!
This issue clocks in at 74 pages with two mixes. 5 Mag is published digitally in our member’s section; subscriptions are only $1/issue. You can also order this issue as a digital download from Gumroad.
Here’s a trip through what’s inside:
On The Cover:
The Revenge: Body Music. – Our cover story: Lauren Krieger talks to Graeme Clark (aka The Revenge and half of 6th Borough Project) about the magic of making music from nothing (or even a Commodore Amiga) and his latest Roar Groove Meets Dirt Crew vol 4. And an exclusive new 5 Mag Mix to boot.
Jimpster: The Franc Spangler Chronicles. – Jimpster talks about his once-secret “Franc Spangler” alter ego, offers some inspo for aspiring producers and showcases an exclusive new 5 Mag Mix.
im/Print: Kurtz Lives! – Bruce Tantum talks to Tom & Bonar of PBR Streetgang about the launch of their exciting new imprint, Kurtz Records, and its first release, an EP they call Big Wig
Unplugged: The Magical Sounds of Pato y Pato. – Mark Maynard and John Duffy are Pato y Pato, a pair of Detroit musicians who invited me along on a thrilling electronic odyssey with one of the most fascinating and totally engrossing albums of the year.
Boiler Room is Changing. – Into what? It’s hard to say.
Boom Kick Revival. – In the battle of Roland cloners vs. Roland’s Cloud, the cloners are winning, and it isn’t even close. Why won’t Roland just give people the iconic classic gear they want?
FREQ: A Sideways Look at Side Chaining. – What is side chaining? What is it used for? A 5 Mag guide by Harold Heath.
Fidget Lab: Korg Gadget 2 Comes to The Desktop. – It’s not really a DAW, is it?
New music and reissues from Santonio Echols (Shift Imprint), Moodswing (Obstacle Records), Soulphiction with Jamie 3:26 (Local Talk), Theo Parrish, Lonely C (Soul Clap Records), Chez Damier, Ben Vedren and Paul Cut, Ian Pooley (Pooled Music), S3A (Dirt Crew), Saisons & Natasha Kitty Katt (No Fuss), Hard Drive Library, Admin (Better Listen) & more.
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5 Magazine is published thanks to the support of our members. For only $1/issue, our members have first & full access to every new issue as well as our full archives covering 13 years of showcasing electronic music. If you like what we do and wish to support us, a basic membership covers 24 issues and costs only $24 – please consider joining!
You can also buy this issue individually as a digital download for $2.99.
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