Issue #130 of 5 Magazine is now available. 5 Magazine is published twice per month in our member’s section for 5 Magazine subscribers.

Who’s On the Cover of Issue 130?

5 Mag staff selects our favorite tracks from Kerri Chandler’s unrivaled catalog ahead of his show this April 23 here in Chicago.

Also In This Issue:

Spiritchaser takes us on a journey through 15 years of their remixes in this issue’s 5 Mag Mix (mix online for 5 Mag Members).

Edward Fields on overcoming schizophrenia in DJs That Inspire

Dance Mania is back from the dead and putting their peers to shame (again)

DEL’s Foundations series revisits Fatback

Plus new music from Todd Sines, Secret Studio, Orlando Voorn, Ali Berger, Ben Long, Ewan Jansen, KAMM, Nathan Drew Larsen, The Hue and youANDme.



5 Magazine is published every two weeks in our member’s section in PDF and HTML formats. Members have first access to every new issue and new mix as well as our full archives in our password protected members area. Membership begins at just $1.20 per issue – 60% off the cover price!

New issues are also available as a digital download for $2.99 each. Make your selection below.

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