UKG2.0: Welcome to 5 Magazine #143!

This is part two of our three issue look back at the artists, the sound and influence of UK Garage (part one is here).

5 Magazine is published twice per month in our member’s section for 5 Magazine subscribers – join now for only $1/issue!


On The Cover

Bruce Tantum on Todd Edwards on UK Garage. The (now Grammy Award-winning) producer looks back at the early days co-founding a genre on a different continent, the limitations of tech and the secret influence of (believe it or not) Enya on his early records.


Also In This Issue

MJ Cole clues us in on 5 producers to look out for in 2017;

Snazzy Traxx delivers a free track download for 5 Mag readers of a Garage-influenced release from Stevie B;

Ples Jones of Pittsburgh with the new 5 Mag Mix and interview;

It Started In a Pub: Four of our favorite UKG documentaries;

And the second of our three part compendium of UK Garage classics and rarities we call Strictly The Best.

Our third UKG issue – 5 Mag #144 – will be released next week.


Get This Issue:

5 Magazine is published twice per month in our member’s section in PDF and HTML formats. Our members have first & full access to every new issue and new mix as well as our full archives in our password protected members area. You can also buy each issue individually as a digital download for $2.99.

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