Steve Laviniere, half of acclaimed soulful house duo Bobby & Steve, has been disabled as a result of complications from coronavirus and some friends are organizing a fundraiser at Ministry of Sound to support him.

David Morales, Norman Jay, Barbara Tucker, Dave Lee, Mark Knight, DJ Spoony, DJ Spen, Terry Hunter and more will be supporting Dance For Stevie, the October 3 2021 event held at Ministry of Sound. The event along with a GoFundMe campaign aims to help Steve return home and receive around the clock care.

Born in London’s East End, Bobby & Steve, made up of twins Robert and Steve Laviniere, began playing records in the 1980s, with a weekly slot on Gordon Mac’s pirate radio station Kiss FM. They would later establish residencies at Ministry of Sound and elsewhere and most recently hosted the main stage at the 51st State Festival with their event brand and label “Groove Odyssey.”

Steve contracted COVID-19 in the first wave of March 2020. After battling COVID for a couple of weeks, his condition worsened and he was put on a ventilator and placed in a medically induced coma. “An MRI scan showed the virus had gotten into Steve’s nervous system and inflamed cells, causing a very rare brain injury called Acute haemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (AHLE, or Hurst Disease),” according to a note from Steve’s family. “This diagnosis has left Steve in a state of Prolonged Disorder of Consciousness, meaning he is unable to communicate or move his body and is being fed by a tube.”

“There’s no medicine to repair this condition, however Steve is in a great neurological facility receiving the best care, and we are confident that his condition will improve. When the time is right we know Steve will benefit from being at home, surrounded by the love of his wife and family, the greatest medicine of all. This will mean major home adaptations, so on Sunday 3rd October, some of our music industry family from different genres, will be coming together to raise funds to assist with Steve’s future rehabilitation.”


All money raised will go to support Steve. Tickets are available at; there is also a gofundme campaign for those who can help this legend.

Dance For Stevie event art

The full event line-up in alphabetical order:

Barbara Tucker
Bobby & Steve
Bob Masters
Booker T
Brandon Block
Bryan Chambers
Chrissy T
CJ Mackintosh
Collin Williams
DJ Bigger
Dave Lee
Davide Fioresse
David Morales
Dez Parkes
DJ Spen
Funky P
Gordon Mac
Groove Assassin
Groover Washington
Jd Laviniere
Jumpin Jack Frost
Lady T
Lloyd Life
Mark Knight
Martin Lodge
Melvo Baptiste
Michael Gray
Michelle John
Miss Ray
Mr Buzzhard
Nacho Larache
Natasha Watts
Neil Pierce
Norman Jay MBE
Paul Morrissey
Raj Aquilla
Ricky Morrison
Simon Dunmore
Sol Brown
Dj Spoony
Steve Harrington
Stuart Austrie
Steve Macca
Terry Hunter
Trevor Nelson

Photo via Steve Lavinere on Twitter.


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