Through yet another internet slip-up, the people behind the controversial ghostwriting site ProducerFactory have outed themselves, leaking a signed contract and several other documents onto the internet which we’ve obtained and are posting here.

ProducerFactory – aka “the WalMart of Ghostwriting” – caused a stir in the dance music community this week when their operation was exposed.

The contract is signed on behalf of ProducerFactory by Sandro Junker, one of the two Junker brothers that form the DJ and production duo Audionatica and own a record label called Gon Records.

The Junker Brothers were connected to ProducerFactory in our initial post on Wednesday through similar DNS records and contact information on a site of a record label formerly owned by Marco and Sandro Junker,

Someone we believe to be Marco Junker strenuously denied owning ProducerFactory on Wednesday night, threatening to sue this author and another forum where our story was published.

The story became surreal when someone (likely Marco or Sandro) emailed us as “Roger”, the “real” owner of ProducerFactory, who was eager to tell the world about his wonderful site and that he was absolutely not Marco or Sandro Junker.

Meet the Junker Brothers, sometimes known as Audionatica and the people behind

But in an astonishing turn, the contract and other documents which verify Sandro Junker’s involvement in ProducerFactory were ostensibly posted to the internet by none other than Sandro Junker.

In effect, ProducerFactory just outed themselves.


A Signed Contract

Gaining access to the document cache required no hacking or other nefarious means of access. The cache was left unprotected and was indexed by Google. Which is exactly how I found it, after being tipped off in the comments of our first post on ProducerFactory.

Seven documents in total were retrieved from an account on a file sharing site. The account is identified as belonging to “Sandro Junker”.

ProducerFactory Contract
Totally NOT Audionatica.

The cache of files – all dated from May 31 with one exception – consists of the following:

Two were sample documents posted by the site itself and of no interest.

A .doc file titled “What we require from you to successfully upload your track”. This is a blank form to be filled out with contact information and payment details by artists submitting tracks for re-sale on ProducerFactory. No dollar amounts are listed.

A .doc file for track information – sort of a checklist for artists submitting their tracks as above.

The Holy Grail: The ProducerFactory contract in PDF form containing Sandro Junker’s contact address and signature

A brochure uploaded just one day before 5 Magazine connected Sandro Junker with ProducerFactory. This file is apparently for an unrelated family business selling farm equipment (yes, farm equipment).

A club flyer for a Gon Records night on June 1, 2013 featuring Audionatica – aka Marco and Sandro Junker. The same flyer is posted on Facebook pages belonging to Sandro Junker, Gon Records and Audionatica.

The contract is signed by Sandro Junker for ProducerFactory. In addition, the address on the contract – Hauptstrasse 99, 4854 Murgenthal, Switzerland – is also the same contact address listed in the domain registration of both and the Junker brothers’ music website,

In addition to the addresses matching , the sites were registered by the same company (Ascio Technologies), the name servers are identical and the two sites both point to the IP address of

If this is a frame job (spoiler: it’s not a frame job), the attention to detail is exquisite.

Audionatica DNS
If you don’t know what this means, don’t ask Sandro and Marco Junker — they’re not sure either.


So there you have it. And here you have the contract, signed by Sandro Junker on behalf of ProducerFactory.

Direct Link to the contract


Update: For your amusement, Marco and/or Sandro Junker are in the comments below too, still sock-puppeting and pretending to be someone else.


  1. Leaked??! I don’t think so. The newsletter I got had that contract attached. Can someone tell me exactly what the point of this is? Cheers

    • Newsletter from PR? When did they send it out? I contacted them Friday for comment on the documents.

      • They sent it quite a while back.. At least a week ago. I just don’t get this article at all… Who cares who sells farm equipment. I want to hear more about ProducerFactory and what they have to say about all this crap going about.

        • Since you live in precisely the same place they do, why don’t you ask them, “menolikelies”?

          You guys really, REALLY suck at the internet.

  2. I did a presentation on social dancing when I got my dance degree and for
    decades it has been a direct reflection on the social roles between men
    and women. Everything from how tightly men controlled women in the
    waltz to getting more freedom in the swing to dancing independently for
    the first time in the 60s with the twist. With a growing value for independence, the hip hop dance scene had people dancing completely separately and in recent years the growing sexualization in our culture has brought about twerking. Also we are becoming more and more of a youth culture so it is no surprise that something as simple and childish as jumping around becomes commonplace. It is certainly a great way to alienate adult dancers.

  3. Funny thing, a few weeks ago I’ve mentioned this on my board basically saying why call this music “EDM” when no one is really dancing around! Seeing the Ultra Music Festival streams, you saw the bouncing and fist pumping, the girls on top of their boyfriend’s shoulders waving around. BUT NO DANCING!

    Thank you! I thought I was the only one that really went deep to observe this 🙂

    TONY SANTIAGO/New York Dance Music Coalition

    • Thanks Tony! You know I was thinking too that a lot of this “festival” music is really not made for down and dirty gritty basements. The sound is way too “big”.

  4. I was with you at Mark and Derrick’s set…..and we certainly were dancing! A beautifully articulated point that seems to go unnoticed amidst all the festivals, summertime noise, etc. Here’s my take on it: I’m glad they’re there and I’m glad they’re standing and listening (to some really good stuff), but the final step is throwing down without a care in the world and celebrating what we stand for. What’s the old saying? You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink? Love you CZ!

    • Agreed Joey D! That was a really magical day and night for me, will never forget it. Love you Joey!

  5. Why the kids don’t dance: because this overblown big festival garbage music has no groove and no soul. Can’t move the hips without a groove.

  6. Sadly for Chicago, the kids don’t dance because the old folks won’t let the new kids on the block play and be heard. Instead they are barred from good gigs either because they are not friends of so-and-so, have drugs, or have something NEW and interesting. Every gig is the same. Same DJs, same clique, same tunes, same producers. Nobody wants to show up to the same BS each week at the same gig. Why Porn and Chicken has done well? Support for the closet DJs and producers. Not the same names each and every week. Everybody gets a spotlight and a chance to be heard.

  7. You ever see video footage of rave kids in the 90’s…remember the boxstep? Remember when in the middle of a rave you would have dance battles? Not anymore.

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