Ralphi Rosario is a pioneering house music DJ, a Grammy Award-nominated producer and soon he’ll be a Chicago landmark.
This Saturday at 3pm the City of Chicago will be dedicating a portion of North Halsted Street in Boystown in honor of Ralphi “The Razz” Rosario, according to Go Pride. Rosario was instrumental in spreading the house music sound as the youngest member of the Hot Mix 5, and later was nominated for a Grammy for Best Remix with Abel Aguilera for their remix of the Rihanna hit “Only Girl (In The World).” According to Go Pride:
“I’ve never really been a person to hype anything that I’ve done,” Ralphi told 5 Mag in a 2012 cover story. “I’ve always believed that the music and remixes should speak for themselves. I personally do not like getting in people’s faces about WHY my stuff isn’t played or WHY I’m not getting recognized or WHY I didn’t get the remix work, etc.
“I didn’t begin in the business on the intent of winning anything; I did it because music is a very strong trait for me. But this does mean the world to me – to know that not only my peers but all the fans and listeners are thanking me in this gracious way… They’re listening! [laughs]”
Photo: Ralphi Rosario on Facebook