Do we have to do this again? Oh why not. After all, this is Chicago, where you probably voted (twice!) for someone you don’t like even if you’re unaware of it.

For the literally dozens of you who might care, ballot-stuffing for DJ Mag’s Top 100 DJs list (presented by Doritos, or TrackItDown, or HeadOn, Apply Directly To Forehead, or something) has gone moderately high tech.

Up until a few days ago, the enterprising DJ looking to get more free bath salts (the good kind) with his increased fees for placing in the list could stop upbraiding his twitter followers and simply purchase 1,000 votes for the low low price of 1,000 Euros. Which actually isn’t a low price at all — I think it’d be more efficient to parade around your local downtown area with a sandwich board proclaiming VOTE FOR ME OR I WILL TAKE AWAY THE SUN. But that wouldn’t come with the eBay guarantee…

DJ Mag has released a statement, claiming the 1,000 Votes for 1,000 Euros SuperDeal was “simply an attempt to discredit the poll”. Horrors. They also claim to have discovered “a number of DJs that have been caught cheating”. Full statement here.