Tag: chicago house music

Preview: Paul Johnson Begins First Ever Weekly Residency Wednesday

We've been dropping hints for over a month now: this is the one we’ve been waiting for. Wednesday nights will hereafter be known as...

Preview: Soul Foundation Soulcial, March 28 2015

You can't write a history of Chicago's House Music scene in the last two decades without reference to Soul Foundation. All of your heroes'...

Goodbye or Good Riddance? The Weird Saga of Green Dolphin

If you're from Chicago you know; if you're not, you're probably wondering why everyone is repeatedly posting news stories about another shooting at another...

Garrett David’s A New Room on Gramaphone Records

The good people of Chicago really don’t need an Englishman to talk to them about a local institution like Gramaphone Records, any more than...

Bai-ee and Johnny Fiasco: How Deep

How Deep is a tour de force from Chicago exile Bryan Bai-ee, taking you from the floor and secret cubbyholes of the Red Dog...

Wired Fridays With Mike Dunn March 6 2015

Another month, another foundational figure in Chicago House Music history playing for Wired Fridays, the free downtown dance party held 1st and 3rd Fridays...

Frique Asks: Are You Here For the Music?

"If I had to nominate just one DJ to represent everything Chicago stands for as a city," we once wrote, "that DJ would be...

Colette Releases Candy Talk Dubs Vol 1

Chicago's DJ Colette has released Dubs Vol 1, a set of five dubs representing five years of releases for the Chicago House Music DJ,...

Wavelength: The Collective EP

So many good things to say about this record, starting with the people on it. Brian Harden has a discography more solid than granite...

Kstarke Records & The House That Jackmaster Hater Built

FIRST, OPEN A RECORD STORE. Open it a few months before Tower becomes the first of the major record chains to liquidate, and preferably...

Congress Theater Will Reopen, But EDM is Still Banned

Big news today that may bring the long, tortured saga of Chicago's crumbling landmark Congress Theater in Logan Square to a close. Darryl Holliday of...

Low-Slung Deepness: Shaun J Wright & Alinka’s Wait For Love

Chicago label Twirl made quite a splash on the international House scene with their show-stopping debut EP Journey Into The Deep back in October....

Psycho-Bitch is the Original Diva Powerhouse of Chicago

When you hear stories of Chicago's golden days of House Music whether it be in the late '80s through the late '90s, you learn...

Kevin Irving, Legendary House Music Vocalist, Has Died

Another of the seminal artists that powered Chicago's early House Music scene has passed away. 5 Magazine has confirmed that legendary House Music vocalist Kevin...

Four Play Sessions vol 21: Chicagodeep & Taelue

Four Play Sessions is a mix series from Chicago's Four Play Music and featuring the talents of Mr. Andrew Emil & Friends, published each...

Beau Wanzer: Untitled & Unknown

"Beau Wanzer's twelve track album of material culled from old tapes vacuums up the atmosphere and wears your teeth down to stubs..." Half of the...

Inside the Greenroom Ep #3: The Holiday Special

Welcome to a special holiday edition of Inside the Greenroom, the 5 Magazine podcast with editor Czarina Mirani and this week's special guest -...

Tapirus: Enlightenment EP (Emphasis Recordings)

In macroeconomics they call it the "Brain Drain" or more elegantly "the flight of human capital" – the migration of intelligent people from poor...

Our December 2014 Issue: Mark Farina. Hot Since 82. Kevin Starke. Country Club Disco

5 Magazine closes out 2014 with a visit to an old friend. Issue #113 is out now, featuring Mark Farina on the culture and craft...

Ricardo Miranda: Up On the Scene EP

There's been quite a trend for throwback dance music of late. Barely a week goes by when I don't receive a slice of "authentic...