Tag: justin long

Smartbar announces 2025 guest resident: DVS1

Frequent guest and Midwest techno stalwart DVS1 has been named a 2025 guest resident at Chicago's Smartbar.

Home Team mix ☀️ RISE vol 18

Wake up to a new set of deep house and garage vibes from Home Team for 5 Mag's RISE series.

The Cover Story: Alinka

Kyiv, Chicago, Berlin: three cities that Alinka has called home, in a life that's been marked by an artistic journey and a physical one. With the rebirth of Twirl we talk to DJ and producer Alinka - one of the people we love, on the people and things that she loves.

35 Years of Smartbar in a 23 Hour Party

Starting at 7am on Nov 4, Smartbar hosts a 23 hour marathon party featuring Derrick Carter, Miss Kittin, Robert Hood and Smartbar friends & residents.

The 312 Mix Vol 5 presents Cachet

Cachet spins a set for Volume #5 of The 312, 5 Magazine's Chicago House Music mix and interview series with the DJs that keep...

On Daphne, and Men and Women in Dance Music

DAPHNE PRESENTS. Those two words have preceded a whole group of events in Chicago this month, tied around them like a silk ribbon or...

Hugo Ball: Justin Long on the Hugo Ball Manifesto

The debut of the monthly residency HUGO BALL at SmartBar in Chicago.

Brett Johnson: Got Bleep?!

The first thing I noticed about this .dotbleep release (besides the bitchin' album art) is that it's long, and by long I mean you...