Tag: Keith Haring

Adobe unveils free Keith Haring brushes

The project in tribute to legendary artist Keith Haring's mantra that "art is for everyone."

Panel with Fab 5 Freddy, Afterset with Ron Trent Added to Chicago House Dance Summit

Immediately following the House Dance Masterclass on Friday May 25 2018, prepare for a panel with Hip Hop pioneer Fab 5 Freddy and an afterset with Ron Trent leading into the night.

Keith Haring’s Chicago Mural Is Coming Back Together

36 panels of Haring's 1989 mural with Chicago public school students will be on display at a new exhibition in Chicago.

What We’re Watching: Keith Haring’s The Message

Everything you wanted to know about the brilliant New York street artist Keith Haring from a gorgeous and rare documentary, Keith Haring: The Message.