Tag: ornaments

Wareika channels the Holy Ghost on Tizinabi

Ornaments makes some beautiful vinyl and Wareika recorded some beautiful music for this one. The live electronic trio create a vivid tapestry for explorations in deep, dubby and esoteric sounds on new album Tizinabi.

Time Capsule: Inside the new 5 Mag

Joyce Muniz, Fred Everything, LF System, Conrad Colson, How to Save a Landmark, the AI botnet eating streaming platforms alive and more inside the new issue of 5 Mag, out now.

The Best of Pal Joey, With Love from Takeshi Fukushima

Hot Music gets hotter on the new 8 track Ornaments release featuring a selection of Pal Joey Music tracks edited and serving as inspiration to Tokyo producer Takeshi Fukushima.

#ListenUp Ornaments Prepares Another Choice Carlos Nilmmns EP

"Copa" sets the tone for the adventurous IRIS EP, coming this month on wax and next month on digital from the ridiculously on-point Ornaments.

Rhauder and Paul St. Hilaire: Reconnection

Rhauder teams up again with Paul St. Hilaire for another platter of dubby techno on Ornaments.