Tag: ovum

ROBOTRON is a modern MIDI controller with a vintage feel

Part of a new trend of musicians developing complex hardware, David Jacopin aka "Taho" is the artist behind Viper Synths' new MIDI controller with an analog feel

The Art of Nostalgia: Inside the New 5 Mag

Getting deep in the new issue with The Reflex, Michael Zuker, Amy Douglas, James Duncan, Shamrock Guitor and more.

#ListenUp Louie Vega & Shlomi Aber Remix Josh Wink Classic SIXTH SENSE

Louie Vega and Shlomi Aber take a shot at a stone-cold classic: Josh Wink's Sixth Sense featuring vocals by Ursual Rucker. Part of the 25th anniversary of Josh Wink's OVUM Recordings.

MANIK Confessions: the 5 Magazine Profile

The 5 Magazine profile of MANIK, the American DJ/producer whose Undergroundknowledge may be the best album released in 2017.

Josh Wink’s Talking To You

Born in 1995, "Higher State of Consciousness" isn't legal to buy beer in a South Philly bar yet but it is old enough to...

Josh Wink: Balls (Ovum)

Motown released twenty #1 singles during the 1960s. Freed by the digital marketplace from having to package, market or even pay for releases, today's...

You Can’t Get Enough of Josh Wink’s Balls

Philadelphia's Josh Wink is releasing his first EP in four years on his acclaimed Ovum label. "Balls", the sprawling title track, is a return...

Josh Wink Unpeeled

A banana was just a banana when Josh Wink (website, facebook, twitter) came on the scene in the late 1980s: one could drop Acid,...