Tag: soviet music

Prophecy + Progress: UK Electronics 1978 – 1990

Take a deep dive into British electronic music's attic with Prophecy + Progress, cataloging the UK's post-punk experiments.

Listen to Rare Soviet Underground New Wave from the ’80s

Zero: Two demos from cult '80s Soviet Union New Wave band Kofe released by Other Voices.

Boorane: A 5 Mag Mix #30

Boora and Krane are Boorane, a Russian duo on the rise. You'll see why with their fantastic DJ set for A 5 Mag Mix, 5 Magazine's signature House Music mix series.

Soviet Disco: The Tripped Out World of ’80s Communist Exercise Records

In 2010, a label called Secret Stash dropped a record called Soviet Funk Volume 1. It was a previously unheard collection of funk tracks...