Chicago’s Spence turned us on to a new EP from the Smashing Trax label, and we’re very glad he did.

Two tracks leap out of the bass bins from ChicOlindo’s Carpet Burn EP, and they’ve got nothing to do with each other. Spence’s own remix pours some bouncy old school electro synth vibes over the appropriately titled “Chicago”

And the standout track on the release is a moody, dubby remix of “I Am Free” from Leandro Di.

Crazy EP! Carpet Burn is out now as a Traxsource exclusive and drops worldwide on July 13.

#ListenUp: New sounds from the underground: new House Music tracks, Techno tracks, Deep House tracks and an eclectic mix of new releases from the electronic music underground. Updated daily, M-F.

Artist: ChicOlindo
Title: Chicago (Spence Chicago Rework) + I Am Free (Leandro Di Remix)
Label: Smashing Trax
CAT: ST019
Release Date: June 29 (Traxsource) July 13 (Worldwide)



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