I’m not saying this guy has a cult but if he did, I’d probably tip the Kool Aid. I’ve yet to hear a bad record from Borrowed Identity and that’s a fairly common opinion. And also a rare one, at least for people who maintain some sense of integrity about themselves and don’t just hire an army of sad publicists to daisychain reviews into mixes, mixes into interviews and interviews into festival roster spots. To the contrary: I always seem to be wanting more from this strange guy whose identity is not exactly a mystery but whose inspirations remain enigmatic, to say the least.
“Shake” is side A and the best track BI has done. It just overwhelms you with a frenzied fog of vocal cuts, rusty percussion and stuttering chords that roll from ear to ear and back again. “Get Down” kicks off with a subsonic space thump and never relents – it’s a good fucking time, a jam, with a vocalist that’s enjoying himself at least as much as the people at the party you play this at. “Poems for You” is a romp through 20 years of Garage – big, sloppy and a little bit funky.