“Praise” burns like thermite, like a white hot chemical fire that slowly bores its way through the floor, through the cement and down into the bedrock toward the center of the earth. As such: a fitting lead in for Praise, the new EP from French producer Closed Paradise.
These three tracks have little in common with each other aside from taste. “Praise” is the kind of track that Rick Wade could have made and almost certainly would play. “Peace of Mind” has a rubbery, electro sound like a nightmare soundtrack composed entirely from garbled tapes of the Electrifying Mojo. “Demon Avenue” is all neon and flash, synths bouncing off the walls and colliding in midair. A deep breath of fresh air here, blowing out the smell of bad cologne and hair gel from the summer slum spots.
Closed Paradise: Praise EP (FINA)
1. Closed Paradise: Praise
2. Closed Paradise: Peace Of Mind
3. Closed Paradise: Demon Avenue