Probably one of the greatest deep house 10″ records of the last decade, Sushitech beats back the hoarders with a reissue of the 2009 split release with Delano Smith’s “Constellation” backed by Norm Talley’s “Detroit 2-Step.”
When people say things like “Both tracks are fire!” that usually means one is great and a second is good. But when we say it we mean it: both tracks are best-in-show, blue ribbon, gold watch, bronze star house jams.
When I heard “Constellation” in 2010, I thought, well, deep house was nice but every aspiring producer in Berlin is going to copy Delano’s groove and clone this record. That was probably easier said than done. It’s so well measured, so exquisitely timed, so restrained and you feel like it could go full-throttle if it wanted to, but it doesn’t.
And one of the best tracks of the decade is backed by another of the best tracks of the decade. Norm Talley points his mic and his MPC at acoustic sounds and made one of the most irresistible stomps of all time. This was a lot of people’s secret weapon for awhile, a track that anyone who plays music with soul could get away with, because it sounds so different than anything but still goes along with everything.
Delano Smith/Norm Talley: Constellation/Detroit 2-Step (Sushitech / May 2021 / 10″ Vinyl)
A. Delano Smith – “Constellation”
B. Norm Talley – “Detroit 2-Step”
⚪️ Disclosure Statement: This record was not submitted as a promo.

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