
It’s been awhile since we’ve had an old school dis track. Last December, Brooklyn record shop Dope Jams published their annual blast, a “best of/worst of 2012” list with an emphasis decidedly on the worst. Among their targets was Jus’Ed; Dope Jams confessed that they “try not to carry his records”, mention one that “literally make[s] me want to throw the record at someone” as “a perfect example of how bad dance music can be”.

Ed’s first response was this video:

Dope Jams is gone now, having announced the closure of their storefront barely a week after publishing their parting shot. That’d seem to give the last laugh to the haters but Jus’Ed gives a final kick in the nuts with Dum Jams, which according to the label “is dedicated to the fucked up record store… FUCK YOU!” So it’s a record with purpose, you could say. In classic dis track tradition, the voiceover is the entire point of this: references to going down to “the boot store”, trading sexual favors for records, etc. If you’re not privy to who “Pauline” and “Francine” are, you’re in way over your head as the cast of characters mentioned also includes “Timmy” (Regisford, most likely), “Ron” (Trent) and a half dozen others the former record store proprietors pissed off at one time or another.