Highly eclectic but utterly lovable, Flora FM’s self-titled EP for Vanity Press seems to draw from an encyclopedia of the last 20 years of electronic music to compose deep and melodic tracks.

“Elm Bully” pulls from not just drum’n’bass breaks (or it sounds to me like the West Coast Breaks that were en vogue for like 6 weeks back in 1994) but “Pacific State”-style meandering birdsong. “Highline Amber” has a noisy thump of midwest techno from the same age; “Comet Xterra” borrows the drums from Planet Rock, disco ray guns from Buck Rogers and the vibe of a jammin’ live PA. A superb record from a highly original producer.

Flora FM: Flora FM EP / Vanity Press
1. Flora FM: Elm Bully (06:18)
2. Flora FM: Highline Amber (05:46)
3. Flora FM: Comet Xterra (06:06)
4. Flora FM: Artificial Limb Company (05:52)



5 Magazine Issue 164Originally published inside 5 Magazine #164 featuring Cassy, DC LaRue, Sean Haley, Titonton & more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full Access to Real House Music for only $1 per issue!