Ka One and St Sene deliver with a four track EP of Deep House that has a pulse, melodic Techno that’s bright-eyed and alive and sings.

It was long ago that I gave up trying to become a directory of foreign-born producers, or memorize a bunch of unpronounceable names, but I’ve heard of Ka One and St Sene before. Their excellent Flyance label has released two or three nice records – Cycles Vol 1 and Vol 2 are the ones I’m familiar with – and for Ornate Records from the UK, Ka One and St Sene have released a great one.

“Necessary Illusion” is light and delicate without being overly precious; it has a spectacular ascent that reminds us we’re all children of Jeff Mills whether we acknowledge our paternity or not. Outside of the dubby mumble of “Fuck The Hype” (I don’t mind spelling it), you’ll find three soaring tracks, emotional but so energetic that they feel spontaneous, as if they were dashed off quickly, before the memory faded.