Few names can concentrate the mind faster than the juxtaposition of “Lovebirds” and “Stee Downes.” To call their 2011 smash “Want You In My Soul” (Winding Road Records) a mere “hit” is sort of like calling Muhammad Ali a mere “athlete.” It was a monster track, and the souled up groovy “Love’s Like Dancin'” is a follow up five years in the making and worth every goddamned one of them.

“Love’s Like Dancin'” sounds like a lost Jackson 5 record made to pop by an unholy alliance of disco godfathers. You’d swear there was a full disco orchestra and maybe Vincent Montana, Jr waving the baton from how big this sounds. It’s enormous, filling a room and giving a modulated contact high from how much fun they must have had making this. I listened to it once and haven’t gotten it out my head in three days since.

Ron Basejam’s remix pushes it into a world of gold Cameros and other aesthetic artifacts of the ’80s. There is also a synthesized Pollock painting called “Feel the Bern” and dedicated to Bernie Sanders, with a promise that proceeds will go to his campaign.


Originally published inside 5 Magazine Issue #133 featuring Vincent Floyd, Karizma, Tony Humphries, David Marston, Doc Link, Deep Club Denver and more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full access to everything House Music – on sale for just $1 an issue!