There’s a hollowness to a lot of anniversaries for “institutions” in dance music – fat round numbers that beg for praise rather than inspire celebration. Lazy Days on the other hand is handing out swag bags full of delights for their 12th anniversary with a remix EP of original tracks from Martin Iveson and Art Of Tones. Originally released on 10 By Ten – the record released to celebrate Lazy Days’ TENTH anniversary – Martin Iveson’s “Leave Me Here” gets its first vinyl pressing alongside a remix by Jimpster that approaches the sublime. You can almost see a mad jazz genius leaning over the keys, handrolled and humid cigarette hanging off his bottom lip as Jimpster’s relaxed and joyful washout rolls off the grooves in the wax. This is an absolute delight.
Various: Ten by 10 (Revisions) (Lazy Days)
A1. Martin Iveson: “Leave Me Here” (Jimpster remix)
A2. Martin Iveson: “Leave Me Here” (original)
B1. Art Of Tones: “Koniokola” (Fred Everything remix)
B2. Art Of Tones: “Koniokola” (Fred Everything Re dub)