Max Graef

Lars and Maarten of Detroit Swindle continue spreading the love around with a quirky 12″ from Max Graef. Broken Keyboard features a couple of good, adventurous pieces and one that’s an absolute monster. That would be “Ignorance is Bliss”, buried on the b-side but refusing to be slouched off into the corner. It has a rough and tough sound like a Paul Johnson track crackling with magnetic tape (think “Ta”, maybe). “Jungle” featuring Andy Hart is a pretty strange little lady – stripped bare amidst its fuzz and strum and cowbells. That stutter just doesn’t work for me though – I felt like I was with the nerds along the wall jumping to our feet and screaming in unison, “It’s the African Ant Eater Ritual!” “Zitze” is the most straightforward of the tracks and a welcome return to some kind of regular rhythm. This is worth it for “Ignorance” for sure.


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