Onirico’s Stolen Moments (Fast Forward)

Onirico's Stolen Moments resurfaces on Fast Forward and it's still a thrill.

As a rule I’m skeptical of “rediscovered” artists and records, but there’s really something bright and obviously durable to Onirico’s 1991 release “Stolen Moments.” I can only tell you what I’ve been told, and you’re likely getting this fourth or fifth hand by now:

Emanuele Luzzi was Onirico and released “Stolen Moments” as his only 12″ under this name. It circulated a bit on an EP released by Underground Music Movement, but seems to have fallen into obscurity. About four years ago saw some kind of sudden resurgence of interest, which is always accompanied by two things: a rise in price on discogs and whining from people who don’t own it, also on discogs.

Twenty five years is time enough to wait for a repress regardless, and Flash Forward aren’t being pigs in charging $13 for the marble vinyl reissue. “Echo” was the interesting track here – Speedy J’s name is mentioned in connection with “Stolen Moments” but “Echo” could easily be mistaken for one of his own records from the long gone but still unforgettable Plus-8 era. “Onirico” (the track) is a proper ’90s style dissociation of the senses. And the title track with a 303 chirp, Pacific State-style chords and an overall sense of gentleness and quirkiness is still a thrill.


Originally published inside 5 Magazine Issue #134 featuring Lay-Far, Inaya Day, Danism, Minneapolis Exchange and more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full access to everything House Music – on sale for just $1 an issue!