The Gift is a strange and beautiful six track album from artlab founder Enrico Marani. Marani was part of infamous Italian band T.A.C. and has collaborated with musicians Ursual Rucker, DJ Rocca, Christine Hanson and Maffia Soundsystem among others. His latest offering as Samora marks Where Ambient Lives fifth release of 2017.

The Gift brings to mind nothing so much as sound sculpting, of setting great aural masses in line and posing them against one another. A deep and meditative consciousness emerges from The Gift, rippling at times with pulsating tones and cosmic FX drawn from the outer reaches. The record alternates between tracks that inch along on a train of rhythm and percussion and purely ambient beatless tracks, with the latter offering the superior optics. If I had to imagine what the middling days as a lost cosmonaut would be like – after the panic of being set adrift in an ocean of nothingness larger than the mind can conceive – it would sound something like this, amidst zodiacal light that never dims and eruptions of gaseous clouds that move at a glacial pace measured across centuries.

Samora: The Gift (Where Ambient Lives)
1. Samora: The Gift (Part 1) (09:06)
2. Samora: The Gift (Part 2) (12:44)
3. Samora: The Gift (Part 3) (10:50)
4. Samora: The Gift (Part 4) (09:12)
5. Samora: The Gift (Part 5) (08:13)
6. Samora: The Gift (Part 6) (10:40)



5 Magazine Issue 154First published in 5 Magazine #154 featuring Anja Schneider, Preslav, Crackazat & more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full Access to Real House Music for only $1 per issue!