When it’s all done, when it’s all over and the trends have worn out down to sunglasses, beer sponsorships and the thinnest possible veneer of a manufactured hip culture, we’re going to want to go back to songs, musicality and overall quality.

Ralf Gum and guys like him will be waiting. “Memories” is the next single from Sir LSG‘s album Moving Circles, featuring the South African soulful house artist teaming up with Kafele and Jaidene Veda. All four of the names dropped so far are people I look up to for their unrelenting dedication to their craft, their desire to improve and their belief that talent wins out in the day.

And another is Osunlade, who provides main, instrumental and “beats” mixes to this release. Real recognizes real, they say, and his addition renews this project like a breath of fresh air. He starts out with the vocals rather than the drums, with the pure main vocals unfolding like the petals of a rose before Osunlade’s characteristic percussion and beautiful bass joins in.

This is uplifting music performed by masters. And like the best soul music ever made, go ahead and take your time: it’ll still be here when you’re ready for it.

Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (GOGO Music)
1. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Sir LSG Main Mix) (5:35)
2. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Sir LSG Radio Edit) (3:50)
3. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Yoruba Soul Main Mix) (6:41)
4. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Yoruba Soul Instrumental) (6:25)
5. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Yoruba Soul Beats) (4:12)
6. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Yoruba Soul Reprise) (6:22)
7. Sir LSG feat. Kafele & Jaidene Veda: Memories (Sir LSG Main Instrumental) (5:35)


5 Magazine Issue 158First published in 5 Magazine #158 featuring Santiago Salazar, Brian Power, Pablo Bolivar & more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full Access to Real House Music for only $1 per issue!