Not entirely sure about the details of this – a playlist with these four tracks plus four others has been on Spotify for awhile – but with a name like “Synthemesc” you had my attention from the start. That delightful beverage available from the Korova Milk Bar in Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange came in three varieties, the milk laced with either vellocet, drencrom or synthemesc, aka “synthetic mescaline.”
“Rebane” isn’t the trippy opening one might expect, but like the other tracks on Quick Trip to Saturn it’s techno aggressive to the point of delirium. Driving with a sinister bite and an irresistible groove, “Rebane” is 7 minutes but feels longer; “El Merendon” is 9 minutes and features passages that aren’t so much “breakdowns” as the sound of a track being forcibly dismantled and put back together again. “Clouded Mind” and the title track require a certain mood – “Quick Trip to Saturn” in particular sounds like an accidental anthem from a cyberpunk opera. This is some heavy shit right here.
Synthemesc: Quick Trip to Saturn
1. Synthemesc: Rebane
2. Synthemesc: El Merendón
3. Synthemesc: Clouded Mind
4. Synthemesc: Quick Trip To Saturn
Art by me <3