Various Artists is killing these days (so the old joke goes). Belgian Deep House label Melodymathics is on a hell of a roll themselves. In an era in which everything is cookie-cutter and samey, they’ve recruited some of the industry’s most underrated figures to pair with some younger, usually European new jacks and put them together on a series of bizarre 10″ records. See here for Dan Curtin, see here for Gari Romalis, see here for Alex Agore and now see here for this new Various Artists record which is maybe the most peculiar of them all.
This is actually an ultra-weird double 10″ in honor of Melodymathics’ two year anniversary. The reason we’re gathered here right now is the Melodymathics debut of Mr. Telephone Man, Terrence Parker, whose unleashes “Heart Break” – a scorching piano grinder with a bassline that uncoils like a snake for the strike. Sandwiched between this massive track and “Ambassador of Love” from No Shit Like Deep are two early a.m. tracks from Melodymann, “Low Funk” and “What Are You Gonna.”
This is out now on vinyl via Juno and digital via Beatport.
[…] or maybe pawn shops lanced by Gratiot Avenue, Michigan’s M-3 Highway. It’s similar to Terrence Parker’s “Heart Break” on Melodymathics, as noted in the comments about the record “premiered” by Delicieuse Musique, whose […]