Of all the reworks of Teena Marie the Trilaterals’ “Afro-LaTeena” may be the most adventurous. Produced by Kristi Lomax (for two decades and until very recently the host of the One Track Mind show on KPFK in Los Angeles), “Afro-LaTeena” is built around a beat like a pulse that flitters and floats like a pacemaker overclocked for speed and cheap thrills. Kristi has for years been an unsung hero of the soulful house scene in America and doesn’t scrimp for soul on what should be a breakthrough release.
The B-side of this novel 7 inch is a slow but exhilarating remix by Aaron Paar and Greg Royal of Teflon Dons. Their remix has a thirstiness — thirst for love, thirst for passion, thirst for a release that’s teased but never quite comes. It’s sexy as fuck, is what it is.
Trilaterals: Afro-LaTeena (Worldship Music / 7″ Vinyl / November 2020)
A1. Trilaterals: “Afro La Teena” (3:21)
B1. Trilaterals: “Afro La Teena” (Teflon Royale remix) (4:04)
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