A long trailer from a new documentary, Back In The House, has surfaced on YouTube, featuring classic scenes of New York City nightlife circa the mid 1990s, including Body and Soul, the Tunnel and more. A couple of years ago, there were so many documentaries (most of ’em pretty generic, to be honest) that I used to preface posts with the acronym “YAHMD” for “Yet Another House Music Documentary”. This one, however, seems to be different:
This long trailer filled with classic footage was posted (presumably) by Farid Slimani, and while it seems to be “YAHMD”, it also seems to be his story, with a personal slant that was lacking from most other House docs. From his website, I followed it to a closed facebook page which has this description:
So that explains the emphasis on the ’90s New York scene. I have to say, the footage looks fantastic: it’s pretty difficult to wrap your arms around House Music, but it certainly looks like he’s done it. It also seems to keep with this wisdom from Chip E, which he told me in an interview nearly five years ago:
I’ve sent an email out to Farid to see if we can chat about it and hopefully we’ll have more if he replies in the affirmative.