Alive and vibin’ and steeped in soul, this strange 12″ from prime re-issue house Athens of the North is our record of the day.
Starting on the fun side first, AOTN licensed and edited Los Angeles vocalist and Northern Soul legend Mary Love Comer’s serene funk-tinged gospel gem “Come Out Of The Sandbox” into a gospel-tinged funk gem. The rearranged version leads with the full-throated chorus and is extended to nearly seven minutes over the 7″ original’s 4 minute run-time.
On the flip is “Without You,” a soulful deep house track from the (now appropriately described) “Athens of the North house band” East Coast Love Affair featuring vocalists Avelino Pitts and Lucy.
Without You/Come Out Of The Sandbox drops today on Athens of the North; buy it here on Bandcamp. If the vinyl’s too high £2 for a digital copy of this cut of “Sandbox” should get you the hook up.
Artist: Mary Love Comer
Title: Come Out of the Sandbox (East Coast Love Affair Mix)
Label: Athens of the North
Release Date: 12″ Vinyl/Digital (April 30 2021)
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