Part of an occasional compilation series-cum label sampler, Austin’s Harmonious Discord returns with the 8th edition of Discordian Dreaming. To its great credit, Harmonious Discord is an imprint that consistently shines a light on divergent, unusual and oddly shaped House and Techno sounds. You’re probably not going to love everything they release, but (in my book at least) that’s kind of the point of an underground record label. Think about it; if a company’s sole USP was peddling furniture that’s almost the same as IKEA but not quite as good, would you pay the same money for their version? The many labels cynically churning out paint-by-numbers “Chicago/Detroit-esque sounds” are not only a waste of everyone’s time, they are responsible for devaluing the art form we all love and cherish. If you want a Metroplex record, for god’s sake go and buy one. If you’re looking for something new and untested that may, one day, be remembered with the same reverence, Harmonious Discord’s catalogue might be a good place to start looking.
Rant over (for now at least), let’s return to the music. “Discordian Dreaming” takes in the full breadth of the label’s output, from terse, borderline-sinister late night tech house moods to meditative, goose-bump inducing electronica. Highlights include Onium’s spiritual and highly evolving “Held Tight” which shimmers with poignant saxophone licks and synth stabs over a single, drone-like minor chord; Dorian’s latin-influenced, vibrant and percussive Rhodes workout “Run Run Run” and Tobor Rellik’s futuristic, effect laden tech-house slayer “Jacoozy Music”. An eclectic and highly compelling selection: If you like your music ever so slightly twisted, Harmonious Discord might just be the label for you.
Various Artists: Discordian Dreaming 8 (Harmonious Discord)
1. Dorian – ”Run Run Run”
2. Joshua Davidson – ”Hue”
3. Onium – ”Held Tight”
4. Josiah Fontenot – ”Without A Doubt”
5. Tobor Rellik – ”Jacoozy Music”
6. Triptique – ”Inner Malfunction”
7. Litex – ”Transitions”
Support #RealHouseMusic! This post was originally published in 5 Magazine Issue 145 featuring Joeski, Ricardo Miranda, WildPitch and more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full Access to Real House Music for only $2 per month!
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