This is one to play and one to keep an eye on. Hard Drive Library are two guys from Hamburg who make sample-heavy deep house groovers and release it in small quantities of vinyl on their own dime.

… Well, probably not for long, as these guys really work the MPC (or, more likely, the digital equivalent) to file samples down into elementary particles and remake them as the building blocks for deep, rootsy tracks jumping with electricity. “You Don’t Want the Truth” is the kind of thing you might hear on some secret disco white label circulated among top jocks and no one else. The chaps behind Hard Drive Library seem to spend a lot of time getting those drums just right so they pulse when they’re supposed to pulse and when they hit they hit hard. Best example is on “No Sexual Services,” the closer. This and “Change Through Repetition” are filtered disco done right – like HDL have (thankfully) vacuumed up all the cornball jackin’ tracks made from 2005 to 2012 and proceed as if that never happened. These are great fun tracks for a party that isn’t too wary about having some.

Hard Drive Library: HDL No01
A1. Hard Drive Library: Cliché House (05:55)
A2. Hard Drive Library: You Don’t Want the Truth (06:24)
B1. Hard Drive Library: Change Through Repetition (05:42)
B2. Hard Drive Library: No Sexual Services (05:59)



Body Music: Originally published in 5 Mag issue 175 featuring The Revenge, Jimpster, PBR Streetgang, Pato Y Pato & more. Help support 5 Mag by becoming a member for just $1 per issue.