Sceneries Not Songs Vol 1 finds Larry Heard at his most enigmatic, capturing the moment his wandering soul began to break free of the limitations of making music for jukeboxes and dancefloors, DJs and radio station management.

First released in 1994 on Black Market International, the album (the first under Larry Heard’s given name) is getting its first ever reissue from Heard’s Alleviated Records. Heard has also included “Question of Time” which was only available in the past on the Spiral Records Japanese import and UK CD.

One of my favorite bits of trivia was the way Sceneries Not Songs replaced track duration with BPMs – a warning to 4/4 DJs who didn’t take the album title seriously, as “Winter Winds and Chill” grinds at 93 bpms.

Sceneries Not Songs Volume 1 is out in September from Alleviated.