Souldynamic ft. Rich Medina: Addiction

Rich Medina delivers a timeless spoken word recitation for Addiction by Souldynamic.

Drenched with soul, Rich Medina delivers a smooth spoken word oration that bleeds over into spoken word poetry on Addiction, the newest release from Souldynamic and their Excedo Records. I’ve heard so many cornball spoken word tracks in my life that I forgot what the real thing sounds like: on certain lines Rich Medina’s smooth, cool delivery sent a shiver up my spine, and Souldynamic do a beautiful job of letting it “speak” for itself with music that can capture your attention and blur gently into the background when necessary.

Souldynamic ft. Rich Medina: Addiction (Excedo Records)
1. Souldynamic ft. Rich Medina: Addiction (Spoken Mix) (5:52)
2. Souldynamic ft. Rich Medina: Addiction (Strumental Mix (5:52)


5 Magazine Issue 157First published in 5 Magazine #157 featuring Disco legend John Morales, Detroit’s Filthiest, YENI & more. Become a member of 5 Magazine for First & Full Access to Real House Music for only $1 per issue!