Belgian born and Berlin based producer Seba, or as most of us know him, Kill Frenzy became a DJ’s favorite after he released 2012’s ghetto anthem “Booty Clap.” His career has been in hyperdrive mode since joining the Dirtybird family shortly after, and the tracks from his soon to be released album Taylr Swft have been label head Claude Von Stroke’s secret weapons all year. Now Chicago gets to witness Seba at the upcoming Dirtybird BBQ and see what all the fuss is about.
What town in Belgium did you grow up in and what drew you so much to that ghetto/booty house style? Isn’t there a pretty big fan base for that style around Belgium and France?
I grew up in Hasselt. There was absolutely nothing with ghetto house in my area. There was some stuff going on in Ghent and Leuven. They threw booty parties ones in a while so when I found out about them on the internet I was always there. It was a a handful of people always doing it, so basically you would know everybody that had anything to do with anything ghetto related. It was a fun time and I learned a lot about DJing.
What drew me to the music was the energy and also the humor side of it. Whenever I went to a party with that type of music I didn’t feel I would have to drink or anything to be exited about it. It feels like it just raises my body temperature and I feel exited instantly. It is just bad ass and raw.
Do they have footwork crews out there as well that dance to that music?
No not in Belgium to my knowledge. Now with juke being more popular there might be in France but I don’t know.
Who are some of your Chicago and Detroit influences?
Oh wow there are so many. Pretty much the whole Dance Mania roster haha. My biggest influences are DJ Deeon, DJ Slugo, DJ Funk, DJ Rush, Green Velvet, Paul Johnson, DJ Rashad, DJ Spinn and many more really. Same goes for Detroit but I’ll name a few: DJ Nasty, Disco D, DJ Godfather, DJ Assault, Detroit Grand Pubahs, DBX, Robert Hood, Jeff Mills and more recently Jimmy Edgar has been really inspiring.
What’s your life been like since joining the Dirtybird bandwagon? The tour you have is absolutely insane!
It has been really amazing, I have been able to play so many great shows. I feel lucky to have been able to have those moments in my life.
I met you in Kalamazoo, Michigan last year. I opened for you! Not sure if you remember that gig.
Yes! Its a crazy little place, I had good fun there. Great people who enjoy good music!
So what have the Dirtybird BBQs been like so far? I don’t know why but I envision debauchery.
I just love the idea behind it. Everybody is hanging around eating some burgers and listening to great music and being social with everybody. When you play the BBQs you get out your best tunes and you can play things you would normally not play. It’s a great place to experiment.
You can catch Kill Frenzy at the Dirtybird BBQ this Saturday, Aug. 15th.