Straight fucking fire from Ortella on this record that leaked out via Imported Paris from a forthcoming record from 124 Recordings. From the minute I heard this guy on Rutilance four or five years ago I dropped whatever else I was digging to follow him, and he’s never disappointed me. Every cut has been killer, and this is another.
Jostling ahead of some delicate keys and thick jacking drums is the signature loop. You’ll be saying “I’m on fire… every night” in your sleep after enough repetitions but you won’t regret it. This is allegedly the centerpiece of a double 12″ on Owain Bellis’ label with the woke title No Money In House.
The High Life: Originally published inside #5Mag168 with Detroit Swindle, Faze Action, Lonely C (Soul Clap), gear, vintage synths, new music and more. Help support 5 Mag by becoming a member for just $1 per issue.