Rydim featuring Brightledge: Gotham City

Gotham City was just released from Hot Creations, teaming the German producer Rydim with Chicago vocalist Paris Brightledge

Paris Brightledge is in the midst of a career renaissance, carving out a distinct niche as the vocalist that can sing his lungs out atop a ferocious sea of acid squelches and fuzz thunderbolts. The journey that began in the bins of Chicago’s first wave and crested with “It’s Alright” has seen recent departures with Paranoid London and now Hot Creations. His latest record released by the latter features Paris Brightledge teamed up with German producer Rydim (last heard by me on this release from Quality Vibe) for “Gotham City,” released last week.

The Main Mix is pretty much where it’s at: it’s not a faithful throwback to the records made in the groundswell of Acid Tracks but it doesn’t sound like it’s trying to be. It’s clean where the original records were raw, melodic where they were coated in a sticky film of grime.

Out: Vinyl from Juno / Digital from Beatport