A brick of gold I found via Submerge, Raise Flag Detroit Vol 1 is the first of a three part compilation which will feature new and legendary Detroit techno, house and electro artists “celebrating the city of Detroit’s founding date by honoring the city’s flag and motto.”

Volume 1 seems to fall on the “house” side of the series, featuring Terrence Parker, Drummer B and Javonntte and “high tech soul” legend Eddie Fowlkes. Terrence Parker’s “Tonight We Luv” takes up the entire first side and man is it worth it: a disco bomb from Planet Love, Parker inflates this one with so much air it sucks the oxygen right out of the room. Huge chorus, soulful, funky and in every single way perfection.

On the B-Side “In My Zone” is built around glistening jazz piano a snappy percussion — a jam for all seasons right here, completely insane track! Eddie Fowlkes contributes his “Hold Me Down,” which I think I reviewed when it first came out as part of his “Knuckle Head” series on City Boy Music. Gorgeous deep house track with a vocal loop that punches you in the gut.

Soul Touch Recordings and Submerge pressed 313 copies of this on vinyl — a clever nod to the Detroit area code. With Archer in the city and handling 90% of the vinyl of any relevance from there, I’m surprised more projects don’t do this, since 313 isn’t that far off from 300, but then again 300 is pretty indulgent for press runs of underground tracks. In any event — a superfine slab of tracks on black wax from four of Detroit’s finest.

⚪️ Raise The Flag Detroit Vol 1 Tracklisting

Terrence Parker, Drummer B, Javonntte, Eddie Fowlkes: Raise The Flag Detroit Vol 1 (Soul Touch Productions / 12" Vinyl)
A1. Terrence Parker - "Tonight We Luv" (8:02)
B1. Drummer B - "In My Zone" (feat Javonntte) (6:30)
B2. Eddie Fowlkes - "Hold Me Down" (6:22)

⚪️ Disclosure Statement

This record was not submitted as a promo.

⚪️ Previous Coverage

⚪️   The Teardown: Jorge C on His New Ojodeapolo EP “Brother” (2020)
⚪️   DJ Mix: Eddie Fowlkes – A 5 Mag Mix 64 (2018)
⚪️   New Music: Terrence Parker’s Heart Break for Melodymathics (2016)
⚪️   New Music: More of the New New from Terrence Parker on Local Talk (2017)
⚪️   Cover Story: Terrence Parker: The 5 Magazine Interview (2009)


5 Mag Issue 213
Released: May 2024

ROOTED: This was originally published in 5 Mag Issue #213 featuring electronic music pioneer Laurent Garnier, Monty Luke, Petals In Sound, Henna Onna, Paul Johnson and more. Become a member for $2/month and get every issue in your inbox right away!

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