My record vendors seem to get AUS records in bundles – four new vinyl wraps in a month, or nothing at all. At a time when it’s still not easy to physically manufacture a record, Aus dropped Tee Mango’s EP #2, Will Saul’s Bugs and Marquis Hawkes’ Wanna in about three weeks’ time.

“Prototypical” is my top pick here for its bright-eyed exuberance, playful bounce and that deep end-of-session jam feel. “Come A Little Closer” references a passage from Inner Life’s “Make It Last Forever” and keeps it slow and sexy. “Wazoo” reminds me of a modern remake of some of the tracks that emerged from Chicago in the late 1980s when TB-303s began flying off the shelves of pawn shops and kids began fucking around with their gnarly knobs. There’s a hint of “French Kiss” in the background (in style, not sampled), like Lil Louis passing through the hands of a Jamaican dub merchant.

Tee Mango: EP #2 (AUS Music)
1. Tee Mango: Come a Little Closer (05:59)
2. Tee Mango: Wazoo (06:22)
3. Tee Mango: Prototypical (05:23)



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